Choose a School that Makes Your Child Smile...
Happy students = Successful Scholars. Students are the heart of our mission and we work with the individual strengths and talents of each child to ensure their success. Want your child to smile each day when they leave for school? St. Sylvester will make that happen!

...and SUCCEED!
Take a look at where our 8th graders typically go after they graduate...
Lane Tech
St. Ignatius College Prep
Josephinum Academy
DePaul College Prep
Josephinum of the Sacred Heart
Holy Trinity
Rauner College Prep
Notre Dame
St.Patrick’s Highschool
Going above and beyond for our students is just the beginning. We provide an excellent curriculum that focuses on academics as well as social emotional learning, faith, social justice and enrichment programs to develop each child's unique skills. Our talented and dedicated staff show up each day ready to educate your child and provide a solid academic foundation for the educational journey. We instill a love of learning in each student.